Vladimir Megre: “Tales from the Future” - page 107

time about these unusual children and of preparing well beforehand to re-
cycle lethal weapons. To confirm these rumors, the fact was cited that the
Russian government had engaged in buying up and disassembling ecologic-
ally unreliable enterprises not only in its own country but those in countries
close to Russia’s borders. If Russia was the first to clear its territory of ex-
plosive weapons, it would have the opportunity to destroy countries lagging
in the disarmament race.
They intentionally exaggerated all the possible devastation and con-
sequences of a world catastrophe. Firms that recycled ammunition found
this very profitable, since the price for their services rose. For example,
someone turning in gun cartridges for recycling had to pay twenty dollars
per cartridge. Unauthorized burial or disposal of a weapon was viewed as an
act of sabotage. Panic was also mounting because no one could propose ef-
fective protection from the powers discovered in Russian children. The Rus-
sian president agreed to what everyone then thought to be a desperate and
ill-considered step. He decided to appear live on air over all channels of
world television, surrounded by children with unusual abilities. When the
day and time of the Russian president’s live appearance was announced,
nearly the entire population of the planet gathered by their television
screens. Just ahead of this hour, many enterprises stopped work, stores
closed, and the streets were deserted: people awaited the news from Russia.
The Russian president wanted to use his appearance to reassure people and
to show the whole world that the generation of Russians being born were not
blood-thirsty monsters but good, ordinary children, and there was no need
to fear them. In order to be more convincing, the Russian president asked his
assistants to assemble in his office about thirty children with unusual abilit-
ies and decided to remain alone in the office with those children. Everything
was done in just this way.
“What did the Russian president tell the world community?”
“If you like you can see this scene for yourself and hear what was said,
“Yes, I would like that.”
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