Vladimir Megre: “Tales from the Future” - page 122

“So, Katerinka, once again you’re on my tail,” Vladislav said, addressing
his sister affectionately. “Serious business awaits me. Don’t you understand
that you might be disturbing me? Of course you understand. That’s why
you’re hiding in the grass.”
“I’m not hiding. I’m just lying here. I’m taking a look at a flower and
some bugs,” little Katya informed him, making believe she really was inter-
ested in the little flower.
“Ah, I see. Okay then, keep lying there and looking. But I’m going on
Katya immediately jumped up, ran up to Vladislav and quickly said:
“You go on ahead, Vladichek. I’ll walk behind you, quiet as a mouse, so I
won’t disturb your thinking. When we get to where all the people have
gathered, you take my hand, so everyone can see what a handsome and
smart brother I have.”
“Well, okay. Don’t sweet-talk me. Give me your hand. But remember:
when I or someone else is giving a speech, don’t even think of commenting
on what the adults have said, the way you did last time.”
Satisfied, Katerinka grabbed Vladik by the hand and promised:
“Vladichek, I’ll try with all my might not to comment.”
Elderly and young representatives of carious regions of planet Yalmeza were
filling up the outdoor amphitheater. No one had pens or pads or anything at
all to write with. Their natural memory made it possible for them to remem-
ber all that was said, down to the tiniest details. Nor did Vladislav, who had
stepped out before the audience, have any props. With the power of his
mind he could construct holograms in space that would show any pictures of
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