Vladimir Megre: “Tales from the Future” - page 14

“People look at each other in a variety of ways. With indifference, with
love, with hatred, envy, fear, respect. But it isn’t the eyes’ external expres-
sion that plays the key role here. The outer expression can be nothing more
than a mask, like the false smile of a waiter or a salesperson. What’s import-
ant is the true relationship, the true feelings one person has for another. The
more positive feelings people direct toward this or that person, the more
positive energy concentrates inside him. Conversely, if he’s surrounded pre-
dominantly by negative feelings, then it’s the negative and the destructive
that build up within him.
“The common folk call this ‘the evil eye,’ and this is what healers focus
on in their practices. Not all of them are charlatans, not by a long shot. The
thing is that a person who’s received too much negative energy from those
around him is himself capable of neutralizing it or, in other words, of bring-
ing it back into balance. When a healer tells someone that he’s removing the
evil eye by doing certain actions, he’s helping the person believe that he’s
been cleansed. If the person believes the healer, then the person himself
really does bring the positive and negative into balance inside him. If he
doesn’t believe, then this doesn’t happen. You don’t have faith in healers
and consequently, they can’t help you. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t
have an excess of negative, psychic energy in you, energy that’s harmful to
your organism. Why do I say you have an excess of negative energy? Well,
because everyone around a person like you can’t help but view you with
envy, and not in the positive sense. They also might see you, or more pre-
cisely, relate to you with hatred. Those would be the people you’ve fired or
haven’t given raises to. Many people, sensing your power, could be fearful of
you. So you see, this all is negative energy. And you need positive energy to
counterbalance it. You can receive this from your family members and relat-
ives, but your wives betrayed you, and you have no children or friends, and
you don’t spend time with your relatives. You have no sources of positive
energy. It is possible for a person to produce as much positive energy as he
needs on his own. But to do that, he has to have a cherished goal or dream,
one that will cause positive emotions to arise as he gradually moves toward
it. You’ve achieved a great deal, and it seems that now you no longer have
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