Vladimir Megre: “Tales from the Future” - page 31

for a settlement to be located on all the land we acquire surrounding that es-
tate in Texas. Whatever price they ask for, double it. Make it happen.”
Two weeks later John Heitzman was addressing a crowd of fifteen hundred
people. The landscape designers, botanists and agronomists in the audience
had made their way to this auditorium through employment agencies. All of
them were hoping to get work, especially, since the ad had specified a con-
tract price that was twice what they usually earned.
John Heitzman came out onstage and began speaking in his usual categor-
ical and even slightly gruff way:
“In accordance with the contracts presented to you, each of you will be
allotted irrevocable, lifetime use of a plot of land two hectares in size. You
will given several designs of pre-fabricated homes to choose from, and these
homes will be built on each plot on the spot you specify, at our company’s
expense. Every year for five years, our company will pay out the sum of
money specified in the contract to each adult member of the family. Your
task is to develop this territory granted to you for lifetime use. To plant gar-
dens and flowerbeds, to dig ponds and lay out paths. To make everything
lovely and good. Our company will cover the cost of all saplings and any
seeds you request. That’s all I have to say. If there are no questions, those
who wish to do so can come sign their contracts.”
But complete silence reigned in this audience of fifteen hundred people.
Not a single person rose from his seat to approach the little tables where
secretaries sat with contracts awaiting signatures. After a minute of com-
plete silence, one elderly man rose from his seat and asked:
“Tell me, Sir. This location you’re suggesting we move to, is it lethally
“No,” answered one of Heitzman’s assistants. “On the contrary. This loca-
tion is exceptionally environmentally pure and its land is suitably product-
“Then tell us, be honest: what kind of experiment are you planning to
carry out on people?” asked a young woman, jumping up from her seat.
“Many of us have children, and I, for one, have no intention of subjecting my
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