Vladimir Megre: “Tales from the Future” - page 82

was happening, leaned against his chest. He embraced her trembling body as
if he had known it forever.
The planets, invisible high above them, shook with delight. O, how many
events had they had to create, how many threads of fate had they had to
carry throughout the centuries! But it had worked! They had met and em-
Radomir and the beautiful Lyubomila. And it didn’t matter if they didn’t
remember the past – their souls would create a beautiful future.
People on the beach were perplexed: why were that young man and that
girl creating some kind of sketch or drawing on the sand? They were speak-
ing different languages, but they seemed to understand each other. Now
they’d discuss what they’d drawn, now argue a bit, or suddenly delightedly
agree with each other about this or that.
And, caught up in their drawing, Lyubomila and Radomir also didn’t know
that they were drawing, on the sand, the very plan for a marvelous
homestead that they had created five thousand years earlier, before their
“The pond should be here, and it should be round,” Radomir announced
in his language, digging out a little small hole in the sand.
“That’s not at all the way it should be,” Lyubomila whispered. “The pond
should be oval.” And she corrected the circle, making it an oval.
“Yes, exactly,” Radomir agreed, as if recalling something. “An oval pond
is better, somehow.”
And in the evening they went to the house where Lyubomila was staying.
She asked the granny landlady’s permission for her companion to spend
some time with her before she went to sleep. The landlady gave her permis-
Lyubomila fell asleep in the hammock, smiling. He sat on the bench, rock-
ing the hammock ever so slightly and taking great care to drive away the
various gnats with a branch. And he was singing something ever so softly.
And the old woman pulled the curtain aside the tiniest bit and watched
them from the window of the house until the early morning light.
In the morning a pitcher of milk and flat breads, covered with a white
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