Vladimir Megre: “Tales from the Future” - page 63

want to have a baby with them.”
Victor also noticed that very few of the women and girls coming his way
were totally healthy. Some were stooped over, and judging by some others’
facial expressions, they must have stomach problems. Still others showed
clear signs of obesity or anorexia.
“No, you can’t have children with women like these,” Victor thought to
himself. “Man, I’m sure every single one of these women dreams of having a
prince roll up to her in a white Mercedes, but they can’t do the most basic
thing for that prince. They can’t give birth to a healthy child, if they’re not
so healthy themselves.”
Instead of calling his driver, Victor took a trolleybus to his office, and the
whole way there he scrutinized the women he saw, trying to identify who
from among themmight be worthy to bear his son, but in vain.
As the day progressed, even as he sat alone in his office during his lunch
break, he didn’t stop thinking about the woman who would bear his child.
Every once he had the feeling that it was as if he was choosing a women
who would give birth to him himself. Finally he came to the conclusion that
he wouldn’t be able to find the ideal mother for his son. He’d have to create
her. To do that he’d need to find a more or less healthy young woman of
good character who was nice looking, or at least not repulsive, and create
the right conditions for her to get all possible training and shore up her
health at all the best spas. But the key would be to send her to study at the
best possible school, where she could receive information about how to pre-
pare for pregnancy and how to go through pregnancy, where she could learn
about childbirth and early childhood education.
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