Vladimir Megre: “Tales from the Future” - page 69

about him. Then I wanted to have a child, too, and I began thinking about
him, too. Now, it’s a known fact that human thoughts are matter. And that
means that if we imagine our child in our thoughts, then he already exists.”
“So where is he right now?”
“I don’t know. Maybe in some other dimension we don’t know about.
Maybe he’s in some other galaxy in the Universe, running barefoot amongst
the stars and looking at the blue Earth where he’ll take material form.
Maybe, at this very moment, he’s choosing where he’ll be born and under
what conditions, and maybe he wants to let us know that somehow. Don’t
you hear him, or feel him asking?”
Victor looked at Inga wide-eyed, as if seeing her for the first time. Never
before had she discussed anything this way. He couldn’t tell whether she
was joking or serious. But the phrase ‘Maybe, at this very moment, he’s
choosing where he’ll be born’ made him stop and think.
Babies are born in all kinds of places: sometimes they’re born on a plane,
or a ship, or in a car. Many are born in maternity wards, and some at home,
in bathtubs. They’re born where they end up being born, but where would
children want to be born? Take him, Victor. If he’d been able to choose,
where would he have wanted to be born? In Russia, or in the best maternity
ward in England, say, or in America? But none of these options particularly
appealed to him.
Inga interrupted Victor’s musings:
“I have a clear plan of how we need to jointly prepare for our meeting
with our son.”
“What kind of plan?”
“Listen carefully, Sweetheart.” Inga spoke decisively, more decisively
than she ever had before, now sitting in the easy chair, now walking around
the room. “The first thing we have to do is to bring our physical condition
into perfect order. From now on – we won’t smoke or consume alcohol.
We’ll do a body cleanse, beginning with the kidneys and liver, using infu-
sions and fasting. I’ve already chosen a program.
“From this moment on we’ll drink only spring water. That’s very import-
ant. I’ve already been getting daily deliveries of five-liter bottles of spring
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