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сентября 23, 2014 1:08 pm
Вальдорфская педагогика: мифы и реальность

.....В течение многих столетий в европейской педагогике бытовало мнение, что ребенок – это «недоделанный взрослый», которого – методом кнута и пряника – надлежит усовершенствовать, чтобы он занял надлежащее ему по рождению и  материальному положению место в обществе. Вальдорфцы были одними из первых, кто заговорил о  том, что детство – уникальный период в жизни человека, что ребенок обладает безграничными творческими и духовными возможностями, что родители и воспитатели должны не стремиться поскорее сделать ребенка взрослым, а наоборот, помочь ему подольше оставаться маленьким, как можно полнее раскрыть свой творческий потенциал, насладиться всеми прелестями раннего возраста. ....

ravi shah
i also did a small course in waldorf education here.. there are some steiner schools here :) many alternative education systems.. but they all end up closed and a bit like cults.. again like in bad schools it is the few open loving teachers who make the difference..
i prefer to just create a space of possibility.. so i have collected a lot of good music, movies, books, art, materials, tools and contacts to experts.. so whatever people/children are interested in they can develop.. on their own enthusiasm :D
ravi shah
old vedic system is older .. living with the teacher learning everything about all of life.. :D
ravi shah
i also notice that sometimes the children take advantage and misuse the excessive freedom i give them.. but soon they themselves appreciate when i take their side against the strict teachers and they soon start to regulate each other and settle any problems or fights or difficulties that may occur between themselves.. i don't need to do anything mostly.. just be :) xaxaaxa and they become confident independent loving sharing relating creative enthusiastic..  
so without doing anything they love me so much
also i think because they appreciate the loving trust i place in them .. where nobody else trusts them to do things on their own..
with independent enterprising children.. society and the world will change!.. they will show us the way
the children will teach us!! xaxaxa :)
ravi shah
as for being a child.. when people asked me to "grow up", i would always say "but why???" xaxaxa.. it is not about allowing children to not grow up fast.. there is no need to grow up (jesus:"the children shall enter the kingdom.."xaxa) but it is a must that the teachers are themselves children! open, playful, learning, exploring, discovering.. able to discover the wonders of life.. TOGETHER with the children! nobody teaches anybody.. we all together explore learn share and grow all together.. yes :) xaxa