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декабря 17, 2014 9:37 pm
Как вы думаете, друзья, имеет ли смысл следующая идея.

Многие одинокие ребята и девушки считают, что сначала надо создать семью,потом искать родовую землю, и проживают в городе пока не найдут свою половинку. В то же самое время страдая,что прямо сейчас не могут соединится с землёй и испытать этот опыт. Или же создавая в одиночку поместье, а потом, встречают того единственного, и уже совместно ищут новую землю, особенно если поместье уже есть у обоих. Возможно вынужденное оставление своего поместья вызывает сожаление.
Я вижу такую картинку - одинокие люди объединяются по несколько человек и сообща начинают создавать пространство, это тоже пространство любви, но не семейной. Строят дом, сажают огород, возможно заводят животных. А когда находят свою половину, то не жаль оставлять это пространство, потому что в нём остаются друзья, которые будут продолжать дело. Смысл этого в наработке опыта жизни на земле, совершенствовании и наработке навыков, вообще понять насколько мечты соответствуют реальности, понять чего же на самом деле хочется и можется.
Дарья Дарьевна
Олёна, Елена Каменских, владимир николаев, есть такие "замороченные" что ужас просто. Не то, что одиноких не принимают, но могут ставить ещё условия типа не отдавать детей в школу или обладать экстрасенсорными способностями, для подтверждения которых нужно сдавать экзамен....
владимир николаев
Дарья Дарьевна, ну, у большой волны, всегда пена впереди гонится.
владимир николаев
Дарья Дарьевна, не сказал, почувствовал.
ravi shah
i think everyone follows their own paths and nothing is right or wrong.. but i do believe that it is important to follow all our beliefs into the very details..
so if we believe in connecting with the earth we should start now.. and not wait for conditions or partners or whatever..
also i agree with your view that friends are also like family and extended connections.. but i look at it maybe with a slightly different perspective..
once i reduced my gypsy lifestyle and got a plot of land and started growing trees and plants.. it was not only the trees growing roots but me too.. and with every plant.. and insect there is a mighty connection.. with the whole of nature.. it is not just between a couple that we make the bond that explodes a thousand times in love.. it is a powerful bond with all of nature and the universe too.. sometimes i stand out by the lake looking at what will grow into the future mini jungle and i feel it is possible to lovingly know every single blade of grass and flower and insect.. sometimes :) xaxaxa
this bond is deep
and once the space establishes its roots deep and strong.. wherever you go in the universe.. the connection will be there.. you carry a bit of the space.. and a link in your heart.. :D
i was once walking in the horrible concrete city of mumbai a long way with bag and tired and fed up.. and i thought of my space and immediately i was enveloped in a soothing fresh bubble and i could almost smell the air of my tree friends.. truly.. it is a magical connection..
it is always better to connect to mother nature and earth and plants.. all plants are connected- across the globe.. animals too... why not us! xaxaaxa it is possible..
and when we meet our mates for life- then we can build the explosive sparking bond of fountain magic that will spread and infect the whole world around us
but why wait..
all of nature is there also to dance with!!
xaxaa :D :D :D
ravi shah
also another interesting thought we had recently while discussing communes .. we found that the whole idea of a commune is contrary to the purpose of the commune! xaxaxa for we try to connect to earth n nature .. the key word being connect & yet how do the communes do it? by disconnecting from society! .. xaxaxa
besides it is a much longer path
it is better to be in the middle of society
and connect to earth.. show everyone how simple it is, how easy, how healthy, how joyous, how beneficial..
how possible..
then all people.. for all people are good at bottom of heart!.. all people will slowly appreciate.. agree and slowly join and take up the journey home!
this is what i am doing.. alone.. without money.. without help.. xaxaxa.. sometimes i tell people.. i am the commune xaxaxa.. but it is my belief.. and people will come.. already this year we had a lot of visitors..
besides i am not alone.. nature is full of lives and spirits and fairies and devas who all help so much
mother earth is so happy for the efforts
i believe the whole weather climate has improved!!
life is wonderful.. there is no need to pray
our every breath is a prayer in Connection to nature and everyone and everything.. full of love and encouragement..
these is my belief
but it is true.. the energy is growing.. many feel it..
they feel the warmth love comfort healing peace in our home.. whether they think it is livable or not..
for it is very simple.. though full of art and life and nature
ravi shah
wow! i really wrote so much.. i guess i truly resonate with your thoughts and ideas and intentions.. love.. xaxa i do wish to share more with you and your friends.. :) xaxxaxa.. only our internet is very slow in the village.. it would be easier by email.. m
looking forward to hearing from you
ravi :)
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