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Rocky Rainstorm -> Всем
мая 1, 2015 12:57 pm
 Cure forforSmallpox The English doctor Edward Jenner (1749-1823) is accredited for developing a vaccine immunization for the disease of Smallpox some 200 years ago. His alleged discovery stimulated massive growth and development in technocratic pharmaceutical industry. Most historical facts fail to recognize, and none name the common peasant worker who gave Jenner the folk healing knowledge responsible for the vaccine. It was no discovery to the many living in symbiotic harmony with Nature, and animals. A mysterious peasant milkmaid told Jenner she was immune to smallpox because of previously caught Cowpox from a cow. Cowpox is a less common mild illness of the same viral family found in Cattle. Rash like symptoms fist appear on utters of an infected cow, and spread to human hands through physical contact. Http://www.historyofvaccines.org/cont...EVT_000030 Anastasia speaking to Vladimir on the importance of animals. Quote, "And in your books you have devoted quite a few pages to the animals' relationship to man. But the theme is infinite in scope." (Book 6, THE BOOK OF KIN, Chapter 5) Infinite in scope!
Phrase from the Vedic Wedding Rite, as spoken by the groom. Quote, "Let all creatures given to man by the Creator live together with us in friendship." (Book 8.2, THE RITES OF LOVE, Chapter 11) Vedic lifelong cultural immersion in symbiotic harmony with animals and, "all creatures" would surely make the folk healing cure for Smallpox common knowledge! The Vedic heart aspires to loving relationships ... Friendships, "Friendship with All Creatures". All Creatures!            Med Production From Human Microbiome: A current growing emphasis of technocratic pharmaceutical industrial research and development focuses on enslaving our own symbiotic human-microbes to force their production of next-generation drugs, and antibiotics. Michael Fischbach and research team of the bioengineering department of University of California, San Francisco analyzed the genetics of microbes living in various parts of the human body. They found 3,118 groups of genes that appeared to signal production of medicine-like molecules. The team discovered these microbes were producing antibiotics directly within the human body. Analysis showed some of these antibiotics stimulated the same immune action as certain pharmaceutical antibiotics already available on the market. The team discovered a new, and strong wide-range antibiotic against many familiar types of infection including staph-infection. The new antibiotic was isolated from the vaginal microbial products of a US Texas woman. The research race is on, and teams are confident in discovering many more next-generation medial compounds important in regulating the Human Immune System. Http://time.com/3341260/diy-drugs-antibiotics-could-soon-be-made -out-of-your-own-bacteria /

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Rocky Rainstorm -> Всем
марта 8, 2015 6:32 pm
Motherland USA; American Vedics-Rising In-Barefoot-Starlight Primordial-Sheen, On-Path with Our Universe Aglow In-Splendor, Restoring Our Mother-Garden Pristine.
Виталий Кравченко
albinas vaitonis, наверное он рассчитывает  на наше воображение и фантазию?
Rocky Rainstorm
I apologize for the confusion translation. This is an international website using language translation, 91 different languages ​​... Or not?
Виталий Кравченко
Yes, the international portal. simply we love and cherish the Russian language.))))

– Раз не знаешь о невозможности, то изменишь. Удачи тебе!
Из книги Владимира Мегре «Звенящие Кедры России»


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