Ringing Cedars International Portal

The unique opportunities of Anastasia.ru forum

On the forum, all registered users have the possibility to open a New topic.
When you open the theme the user uses the Right to open a New topic and also the Responsibility for its management - author's approval (samomoderatsiya). The author's moderation is carried out on the basis of the existing Rules of the forum. Ignoring the author's moderation may entail limiting the Right of creation.


The author of the topic can remove not relevant to the topic messages and also close the topic. Delete the message by clicking on the image with the x in the upper right corner of the message.
The opening and closing topics for adding new messages is done using images of a padlock located in the bottom left corner of the topic page.

28.04.06 was added mass moderation of topics by the author, in case its significant littering. In the lower left corner of the preview page of the topic, the icon next to the close/the opening is the icon to split the topic. This function can be used only in extreme cases since it results in a splitting of the topic, losing its original address and links.


The topic author may make additional topic settings, such as: (see the appropriate link in the upper right corner of the message list on the view page of the topic)

2.1. To appoint KEEPERS of the topic - a person who will be able to delete messages on this topic, to close and open the theme, and manage the settings of the theme. Thus, if you are on the Internet infrequently, you don't want you topic to be "overgrown" with unwanted messages, you can assign any number of guardians of the topic for caring about her.

2.2. The topic author can limit the number of participants specified by the list. If the list is empty - all visitors can write (except those in the ignore list). If the list has at least one login that means that only this person and the author of the topic will be able to write.

2.3. The ignore list allows you to prohibit some users write in the topic the forum. If you think some user makes too much "mess" in the discussion or behaves unworthily - you can make it to the "ignore" list .


The line above the message looks like this, for example : Quote:
15209 posted: Thu 21 Feb 2002, 20:03 | Report to the Keeper

15209 – is the message number of the user
This is a "leaf". If you click on a "leaf" in the browser window the address (link) of the message reflects.
Posted: 21 Feb 2002, 20:03 date, time adding a message to the topic
"to Inform the guardian"  is a special button which informs the guardian.

4. The POSSIBILITY of the BUTTON "to Inform the guardian"

4.1 Button "to Inform the guardian" allows the user to inform the moderators about a particular violation of forum Rules (in the opinion of the user).
4.2 Button "to Inform the guardian" allows you to inform the moderators and unauthorized mailings via private messages (PM)

Press the button "to Inform the guardian" message, which in your opinion needs to be addressed by the moderator. Write a comment.
If you need to report an unauthorized mailings using Private Message, then you can press any button "to Inform the guardian" and report the newsletter, mentioning the nickname (login) of the user that this newsletter provides.

For information
Some unfair people use Private messaging solely for promotional mailings, provocations and insulting the users. Such users usually do not have any posts on the forum. In this case, the moderators can read about this only from you, i.e. after you notify the moderators about the misuse of Personal messages.


On Anastasia.ru users search system is developed . You can now find users by their nickname (login), name, occupation, interests, date of birth, marital status etc. at the same time, you can specify several search criteria - the more criteria, the more accurate search and a smaller number of matches.

In the search text boxes use '*' to skip any number of characters before, after or in the middle of the line, and '?' for single characters.

For example, to find 'Saint-Petersburg' and 'Peter', use the pattern *p?Ter*

Possible date formats to search for in the field "birthday": d. m. yyyy m. yyyy, yyyy


When the guardian, the topic author or the user deletes the message - it is not removed, but automatically transferred to a hidden section of the forum, where you can restore it from in case of an error. If you think that your message was deleted wrongly, please contact in the Appeal section.

All actions of the guardians, topics authors and users connected with the moving and deleting topics and messages marked in the Journal of moderation. If you find any missing topics or posts - find out in the log (Journal) of Moderation of who and when they were removed or transferred, and contact to the guardian or the author of the topic in the Appeal section.

Also in the journal of the guardian you can mark the users, which are imposed to some form of restriction on the forum in accordance with Forum Rules :
- the space in the Rest Room (ban)
- prohibition of the creation
- disable signatures
- alerts
- limit the number of posts per day
- blocking Personal messages
- only Basket
*. Moderators forum.anastasia.ru/ are called Guardians

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