Ringing Cedars International Portal

How to use a map

Interactive map of the objects includes information about the location of settlements of family estates, and dealer shops of the company "Ringing cedars".
To view information about a specific map object, click the mouse on the selected pointer and click on the link "more..."
Search on the map of the object from the table, click the table row containing the desired item (but in a place where there is no link). Card machine will show the place where the object is located.
To change the display format (all objects, settlements, divisions,...), select the desired item in the list with the button "object Type" and click "Filter".
To display only those objects that are included in a specific region, select that region from the drop-down list of "Regions" and click "Filter".
To return to the display all object types for all regions click on the "Reset" button.

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